Friday, January 8, 2016

Why We Lie Assignment

1.) What I believe this article is saying, is that everyone from time to time will lie, or cheat a little. People will lie for many different reasons, whether it is for personal advancement, money, or even self image. These same people, are also most of the time honest people. The article is questioning why it is that people do this? By analyzing through tests the nature of people to see how many will lie, and cheat or be honest. The article also talks about how only a very minute amount of people are completely honest, and have supreme integrity. While another small percent are the opposite, and if they want steal or to lie they have no morals about it. The article also speaks of the people that are mostly honest, but also will lie from time to time as the most destructive. I think that is because they are very unpredictable. I personally disagree with the article, with them saying that there is 1% percent of people who are entirely honest. I believe everyone lies! Even if only a little white lie from time to time. people do it!, and a lie is a lie no matter what. (Ariely 440-446)

2.) The purpose of paragraph ten, is to create an opening into paragraph eleven. By stating that we know that people will cheat, even if just a little! Now we want to know, what kinds of situations are there that will cause a person to cheat more, or less? (Ariely 442)

3.) I liked the quote, "The purpose of locks, the locksmith said, is to protect you from the 98% of mostly honest people who might be tempted to try your door if it had no lock." (Ariely 440) The reason I liked this quote, is because in a big way it explains the entire article! That based on variations in day to day situations, and environments many people will be more likely to lie, cheat, or steal (or) to not lie, cheat, or steal.
                                                                           Works Cited.

Ariely, Dan. "Why We Lie." The Bedford Reader. 12th ed. Ed. John E. Sullivan. Boston: Bedford/St.

Martin's, 2014. 440-446. Print.

Here are the hyperlink's for the students I commented on.


  1. Hi Michael,

    It looks like you may need to double-check your citation for your quote. If you look in the Wadsworth Handbook on page 411, #30, you will see the correct way to do a citation for this essay. You have some good ideas going so far! Hope this is helpful.

  2. Michael, your work was very well written and I feel you summarized accurately while also making it interesting to read. I particularly enjoyed the quote you chose, I agree that it summarizes the article perfectly. Sometimes we humans just need a reminder to be honest. Look forward to your works in the future, job well done!

  3. Nice reflections. With summaries, get used to not using "I" or any other form of 1st person. I liked the quote you chose because it is very true, the mindset within the world we live today.

  4. With the quote you liked, personally I didn't really understand it. But it was interesting to see your take on it! I didn't think of it that way.
